Two hundred people attended the three-day event in Warwickshire
By Gaby Wine
The award-winning actress was speaking at the charity’s annual ladies lunch
Around 130 kids have signed up to the charity’s programme in the run-up to their celebrations
Camp Simcha organised their largest family retreat yet, with 115 family members enjoying three days of respite
By Hannah Gillott
Supporters of Camp Simcha in London and Manchester turned their homes into spas for the women
By Ellie Grant
Neville Goldschneider will bring his expertise to the Israel-focused charity
Daniel Gillis has been working in different roles at the charity since 2010
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Neville Goldschneider is leaving Camp Simcha after 19 years as its CEO
By Neville Goldschneider
Katie Hainbach says that these skills have proved vital in speaking out for her daughter
By Elisa Bray
New networks for fathers of children with serious illnesses have just been launched in London and Manchester
By Rosa Doherty
Camp Simcha supports seriously ill children with over 50 different conditions as well as babies born very prematurely
By Daniel Ben-David
The celebrity told guests that being Jewish was like having 'an extended family'
Neville Goldschneider has expanded the charity to serve 1,500 people annually
By Pippa Buck
Camp Simcha lifted my spirits after I was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
Service providing vital help for families with seriously ill children was being supported by Camp Simcha
'Big Sister' Kayla Moise asked the Leigh children to be her bridesmaids and pageboy on her big day
By Gavriella Epstein-Lightman